BCI Building

The BCI Building calculation is used by Building Revolution in many projects.

BCI Building has a BCI score. This score is a combination of a Loosenability (LI) and Material Circularity Index (MCI). BCI Building gives circularity a score. Building Revolution makes and validates BCI calculations.

BCI Building in a nutshell:

BCI Building is synonymous with the Building Circular Index, an innovative approach that measures the circular potential of a building based on the different products and elements used in the building. Unlike traditional construction methods, the BCI Building emphasises sustainability, reusability and minimal environmental impact. This approach not only provides long-term benefits, but also inspires the future of architecture and design.

BCI: combination of Releaseability and Material

Two important factors come into play here: the Material Circularity Index (MCI) and the Loosenability Index (LI). These factors are strictly applied to assess the sustainability and environmental friendliness of materials and components. MCI focuses on the origin, future scenarios and lifetime of materials, while LI analyses the possibility of elements being disassembled.

BCI Gebouw Expert Erkend Valideren

BCI Building expert

Ideally, BCI Building Experts can prepare the calculation for you. An expert can do it faster, cheaper and gets a better score. Building Revolution is a specialist BCI Expert.
Marco van Brink and Simon Hogenstijn are both recognised by BCI Building as experts. They can validate a BCI Building calculation.

Read more about BCI Building Experts here

Get in touch.

Making BCI Building calculation

BCI Gebouw berekening opbouw MCI en Li zijn BCI

Usually multiple circularity scores are shown side by side, but a BCI Building calculation brings all these aspects together into one score for the degree of circularity for your property.
A BCI score is expressed as a percentage between 0% and 100%, with 0% being non-circular and 100% being fully circular.
This score makes it a lot easier to compare properties and steer for circularity during development.

The Building Circularity Index (BCI) is a scientifically based and field-tested measurement methodology to determine the circular potential of a structure.
BCI consists of two Critical Performance Indicators (KPIs). These KPIs are

Use of Materials en Detachability

The Building Circularity Index determines the circular potential of a structure in four steps.

Read how the calculation is done here

Why is the BCI calculation important?

  1. Promoting Circular Construction: The BCI encourages the construction industry to embrace more sustainable and circular construction practices, resulting in reduced waste production and material waste.

  2. Reducing Environmental Impacts: By promoting the reusability of materials, the BCI contributes to reducing the environmental impact of the construction sector.

  3. Future-proof Buildings: Circular buildings are better prepared for future challenges and changes in the real estate business.

BCI Circularity

The BCI is a measurement tool that evaluates the degree of circularity of a building. It takes into account aspects such as reusability, disassembly and material recycling. The higher the BCI score, the more circular the building is. Calculating a BCI score involves the inclusion of multiple factors, ranging from MCI and LI to the influence of different Later of Fire (levels). The final BCI value is expressed on a scale from 0.00 (perfectly linear) to 1.00 (perfectly circular). The score not only provides insight into the sustainability of a particular structure, but also gives guidance for future buildings striving for optimal circularity.

Click here to discover more about circular construction and how it is transforming the construction world

BCI Materials Passport

Once the data are all entered, they can be kept in a BCI Materials Passport. This keeps data on quantity, method of fixing and details. This is also a very desirable situation from the point of view of building management. In discussions with Alba Concepts, we understand that adding the drawings may also be possible in the future.

Read more about the BCI Materials Passport here.

BCI Calculation validation

Building Revolution validates BCI Building calculations.
If you want a BCI calculation with a check on the correctness of the entered data and thus a check on the accuracy of the BCI score, BCI Building experts can perform this check for you.
This shows you that the calculation has always been entered 100% correctly.

Read more about validating a BCI calculation here.

BCI calculation for BREEAM 2020 MAT07

MAT07 in the 2020 BREEAM Guidelines requires an LI of 40% or 60%.
Building Revolution has already prepared a report for more than 10 projects on how to achieve BREEAM points as well.
Especially for high scores like BREEAM Excellent or Outstanding, achieving MAT 07 is very important.
This makes higher scores in BREEAM possible

Any more BCI questions?

Read all about it on our FAQ page or send us an email at info@buildingrevolution.nl

BCI Building benefits

A building with BCI Building has many different advantages.

BCI Gebouw Expert Erkend Valideren

BCI Building gives circularity a score. The BCI is composed of an LI and an MCI. Building Revolution makes and validates calculations.
In conclusion, we know how your project can become more circular.

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