BCI Material use

The BCI Building calculation is used by Building Revolution in many projects.

BCI Building has a BCI score. This score is a combination of a Loosenability (LI) and Material Circularity Index (MCI). BCI Building gives circularity a score. Building Revolution makes and validates calculations. Here we discuss Material Use.

BCI Gebouw Expert Erkend Valideren

Building Revolution is specialist BCI Expert
Marco van Brink and Simon Hogenstijn are recognised by BCI Building as experts. They can validate a BCI Building calculation.

Get in touch.

BCI Building materialisation

BCI Gebouw berekening opbouw MCI en Li zijn BCI
  1. Materials and Their Origin:
    • Each product in the structure is analysed for circularity of material use.
    • Evaluation of raw materials, with emphasis on origin and sustainability.
  2. Future scenario of Materials:
    • Forecasting the future use and treatment of materials.
    • Focus on recycling, reusing and minimising new raw materials.
  3. Durability of Materials:
    • The durability of products determines their lifetime in the structure.
    • Longer life leads to less waste and replacements, improves sustainability.
  4. Utility factor:
    • Ratio number between technical and expected life tussen technische en verwachte levensduur.
    • Industrieel gemiddelde bepaalt duurzaamheid van producten.
  5. Material Circularity Index (MCI):
    • Amalgamation of origin, future scenario and utility factor.
    • MCI ranges between 0.00 (linear) and 1.00 (circular).
    • Impact on Circular Economy:
  6. Linear economy: 
    • product loss, new raw materials needed.
  7. Circular economy:  
    • products are recycled or reused. 
    • MCI measures circular potential independent of assembly in structure.
  8. Results in Percentages:
    • Shares of new, recycled, biobased raw materials and reused components per product.
    • Future scenario and utility factor expressed in percentages.
    • The BCI Measurement Methodology emphasises circular use of materials, promotes sustainable product life cycles and promotes the transition to a circular construction economy.


BCI Calculation validation

Building Revolution validates BCI Building calculations.
If you want a BCI calculation with a check on the correctness of the entered data and thus a check on the accuracy of the BCI score, BCI Building experts can perform this check for you.
This shows you that the calculation has always been entered 100% correctly.

BCI Building benefits

A building with BCI Building has many different advantages.

BCI Gebouw Expert Erkend Valideren

BCI Building gives circularity a score. The BCI is composed of an LI and an MCI. Building Revolution makes and validates calculations. In conclusion, we know how your project can become more circular.

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